6 research outputs found

    Designing Text Entry Methods for Non-Verbal Vocal Input

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    ENNGene : an Easy Neural Network model building tool for Genomics

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    Background: The recent big data revolution in Genomics, coupled with the emergence of Deep Learning as a set of powerful machine learning methods, has shifted the standard practices of machine learning for Genomics. Even though Deep Learning methods such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are becoming widespread in Genomics, developing and training such models is outside the ability of most researchers in the field. Results: Here we present ENNGene—Easy Neural Network model building tool for Genomics. This tool simplifies training of custom CNN or hybrid CNN-RNN models on genomic data via an easy-to-use Graphical User Interface. ENNGene allows multiple input branches, including sequence, evolutionary conservation, and secondary structure, and performs all the necessary preprocessing steps, allowing simple input such as genomic coordinates. The network architecture is selected and fully customized by the user, from the number and types of the layers to each layer's precise set-up. ENNGene then deals with all steps of training and evaluation of the model, exporting valuable metrics such as multi-class ROC and precision-recall curve plots or TensorBoard log files. To facilitate interpretation of the predicted results, we deploy Integrated Gradients, providing the user with a graphical representation of an attribution level of each input position. To showcase the usage of ENNGene, we train multiple models on the RBP24 dataset, quickly reaching the state of the art while improving the performance on more than half of the proteins by including the evolutionary conservation score and tuning the network per protein. Conclusions: As the role of DL in big data analysis in the near future is indisputable, it is important to make it available for a broader range of researchers. We believe that an easy-to-use tool such as ENNGene can allow Genomics researchers without a background in Computational Sciences to harness the power of DL to gain better insights into and extract important information from the large amounts of data available in the field.peer-reviewe

    Vladislav Vančura v literárním kontextu 20. století

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    Title in English: Vladislav Vančura in the Literary Context of the 20th Century On June 23, 2021, it was the 130th anniversary of Vladislav Vančura’s birth, and June 1, 2022, was the 80th anniversary of his death. These anniversaries became the impetus for a collective volume entitled Vladislav Vančura in the Literary Context of the 20th Century. The editor Jiří Poláček approached researchers from various disciplines from literary studies to linguistics and to theatre studies with an appeal to think and rethink the literary and general cultural legacy of this important figure. The book volume by the team of researchers from six Czech universities is an attempt to reflect on the oeuvre by Vančura from the perspective of the current state of knowledge in literary studies and the broader context of the 20th century. The image of Vladislav Vančura within the context of the previous century arises from 15 texts by 15 authors, organized into four thematic blocks

    Hodoscope with Timepix detectors for PilsenCube2 cubesat

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    The contribution describes the design of Timepix-based hodoscope for cubesat applications, such as Pilsen-Cube2, developed by the University of West Bohemia. The hodoscope is composed of two Timepix detectors with silicon thickness of 300 μm, placed in back-to-back arrangement and rotated relative to each other by 90◦, forming a telescope set-up. A copper separator is placed between two detectors to distinguish electrons and protons. The payload hardware and firmware are designed to support single detector operation as well as dual detector operation mode, in which particle coincidence detection is possible. The hodoscope electronic has been designed with respect to harsh radiation environment present in LEO (Low Earth Orbit). The device involves independent radiation hardened power supplies, including bias high voltage supply (up to 250 V) and auxiliary threshold reference DAC for each Timepix detector. Considering highly limited achievable data throughput between the CubeSat and the ground control station, advanced on-board data processing has been developed to reduce the size of transmitted data. The on-board data processing is provided by the radiation hardened SoC (System on Chip) Smartfusion2

    Updating the Czech Millennia-Long Oak Tree-Ring Width Chronology

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    In recent years, a millennia-long oak tree-ring width chronology, consisting of 3194 samples from 387 locations, was developed in the Czech Republic. Despite the collection of such a huge dataset, the replication in the 19th Century was very low and the natural oak distribution in the Czech Republic was insufficiently covered by recent samples, especially in Western Bohemia. This study aimed to remove these weaknesses, which have limited the paleoclimatic potential of this dataset, and to determine the number of sapwood rings, which is crucial for dendrochronological dating. Therefore, new recent samples were randomly collected at numerous sawmills along the Czech-German border. The historical material was usually sampled using a Pressler borer from church belfry constructions traditionally made from oak. In total, 252 recent and 90 historical tree-ring width series were incorporated into the chronology. The newly built chronology cumulatively consists of 3536 series, which covers the continuous period of A.D. 352-2014. The resulting tree-ring width record shows robust signal strength and homogeneous coverage of the territory. We show that the number of sapwood rings is constant over time. Therefore, we recommend using an estimate of 5-24 sapwood rings for a more precise dating of historical wood findings in the Czech Republic. © 2017 by The Tree-Ring Society.This item is part of the Tree-Ring Research (formerly Tree-Ring Bulletin) archive. For more information about this peer-reviewed scholarly journal, please email the Editor of Tree-Ring Research at [email protected]